Sam Sedar fired by MSN and humliated by Mike Ceronovich

Wally Jackson
   Leftist agitating radio host San Sedar will no longer be disgracing the television form time to time as a nonsensical guest and on panel of MSNBC and the micro network cut all ties to the host of the Majority Report and apart of the of fire network. Ceronvich somehow found old tweet where Sam Sedar seemed to make excuses for child molestation and that somehow being seduced and raped by a left0wing film director as Roman Polanski was preferable to one being molested by a Republican. The absurdity of Sam Sedar's comment and firing from all of this other projects should of been coming years ago immediately after saying this nasty comment and joke about child rape and this is not surprising given the political stance of this scumbag that we at the right Bull troll often
on twitter and social media accounts. The surprising statement by Sedar also comes as being a typical member of the left-wing media he was also ways so quick to jump on child sex allegations of the right-wing but often ignores to forced child marriages in the disgusting Mid East arranged marriages of the Muslim world. Sam Sedar and his stupid voice unfortunately will still be part of many radio stations allowing syndication and access for this jag fag but at least one major media outlet decided to punish this SOB and alt -right member and often target of Sam Sedar paid back this jackass finding dirt and avocation for child molestation on part of this typical ;leftist political propagandist.

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