SE Cupp pushes for the legalization of prostitution and leaves idea open for a career opportunity much to the dismay of Crook County sheriff Tom Dart

Ned Baily
   Famed hot columnist SE Cupp of TV and journalist extraordinaire   wrote a seething piece about how prostitution should be legalized. SE Cupp said the prosecution and police going after prostitution and those involved in the sex trade as netted New York mucho dinero and has done nothing to make the women safer and combat against the worlds oldest trade is never going to end this trade between mostly consenting men and women. Making prostitution illegal actually is a society attack against the economic opportunity and empowerment of women.
Some liberal agencies don't even go after prostitutes but still go after johns and pimps and this is not right either and keeping prostitution underground and preventing young women the opportunity to make some good jingle and being rewarded for their temporary looks does nothing for society except feed the legal system and keep lawyers with good steady incomes and court systems a pipeline for money. Government getting their cut making prostitution illegal makes them no different than the pimps. The World Heath Organization recommends countries decriminalize sex work and just accept it as another form of transaction and that it would mitigate violence associated with this hidden underground network and regulation and safety of condom use can be applied.
What you've though is asshole politicians and those in the police profession, such as Chicago's own piece of shit Tom Dart, who wish to make the lives of these women and men seeking an outlet for sexual variety form having outlets. Tom Dart's own immorality, insecurity, and fear of sex is put to use by this bastard powerful position as the sheriff of Nottingham and Crooked Cook County and Mr Dart is an anal ass jag fag for pushing so hard against Craigslist and Backpage and with the mount of violent crime in this mans Cook County one would think he would concentrate on the drugs and gangs that make large parts of Chicago and Southern Cook County no go zones ..even for those with a fetish for dark meat. It is good to see BackPage fight back and sue Tom Dart and his county for attacking their business ventures and Tom Dart needs to mind his own business not be so concerned with adults seeking others out for consensual pay for play sex much like the crooked politicians seek out for getting elected. As far as SE Cupp's defense of prostitution ahhh one sees her leaving opening future career options if her easy media gig comes to an end.


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