Poet lauretie Pietros maneos bashes Thomas Pikketty

Herbert Gilbert
  Poet Laurite Pietros Maneous wrote a piece of his concern that rugged individualism is threatened  by the fame and avocation of Thomas Pikketty and others demanding social justice and econo9mc parity is society. For a jackass that gets fame for his lame readings it is not surprising the famed Greek poet would be in ove with the growing inequality that threatens to tear apart nations and society. Piece of shit Petros is concerned that Pikkety come across for many as a well-spoken advocate and is alarmed at his eloquence and ability to successfully come across for so many teaching them of the values and beliefs of sentimental socialism in the modern era and Mr Maneous is quick to compare the famed French economist and author Thomas Pikketty as Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro,  and Kark Marx. Peterprick maneater recycles the same sadistic leaders of the past to paint all modern  socialists and advocates of social justice as avowed potential followers preventing the hoarding class form having freedom. This guy just  ignores  the fact that it was greed and cultural destruction of the moneyed clasaes that lead to these world killers.
The punk even threw in Pikketty as being the reincarnation of Mao Zedong and perhaps Pikketty should compare Piertros to Basil the second one of history's cruelest and genocidal kings ruler of Byzantine and slayer of many Bulgers. I think Pietros Maneous and other capitalist backers need to be compared to the ruling despotic leaders that have come before them and influenced their idea of where wealth should be hoarded and distributed towards a small segment of folks. One can see this jerk make poetry advocating for the oppression of others to meet the needs and demands of the ruling rich classes. Pietros calls those on the left resentful of the capitalist nature and luxury items the rich may profess but he ignores the fact that the real resenting is of the nature of wealth accumulation always at the expense of others.

Pietros the fuck ass says the attacks against those throttling the system that made America the richest industrial nation is a danger to the world as if the industrialization that threatens the climate accumulating poisons and pollution into the atmosphere isn't abuse and throttling of the planet and all living things. Pietros Maneos is always has been and  always will be a piece of human feces best left in a sewage treatment plant.
  This young man  is a believer of theft allowances and direct rule of those able to determine this cultural factor that accounts throughout history for wealth and the rule of those few able to raise armies and initiate and collect their dues and taxes form the masses. This poet jackass is typical and the only voice he wishes to be expressed are either his or those he agrees and this joker  is threatened by Thomas Pikketty, not as so much as what he says but mainly Pikketty does it so effectively and contemplates ands spreads a message  of  complete opposite of the views of this  poet laurite Pietros Maneos.
The views believed by Pietros is that the wealthy are to be glorified and worshipped for their riches never minding the fact that their wealth represents and necessities ten people to be in extreme poverty for that one rich person and this is the problem with nuts with the thoughts of this creep and why the Huffington post allowed this jackass to bash Thomas Pikketty cannot be explained at tis time.

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