Geriatric Robert Mugabe missing the power of autocratic rule in Zimbabwe and considers coming to America to challenger president Trump in 2020

Arnold Buckley
  Robert Mugabe and his name has bee synonymous with typical African autocratic terror rule seen in many parts of Africa falling the fall of colonialism. Mugabe terrorized and caused more deaths in Zimbabwe against tribe members not of his own and killed more than Bashir El-Assad in Syria and his downfall was a surprise as weeks leading up to it his name and young wife was often mentioned as taking over when the ninety three year old African brutal dictator dropped like a African eagle into water for some fish.
It will be surprising for those often reading international politics and policy not to see the name Robert Mugabe mentioned as he made much press through the years with his erratic behavior and refusal to step down after calls of his increasingly authoritarian control and handle of Zimbabwe repressing anything resembling a democratic institution the English handed to them after years of colonialism. Zimbabwe's new president Mnangagwa promises this African country will return with full representative elections for all after decades of Robert Mugabe stealing elections and refusing to hold them given poll numbers that showed how unpopular and hated he was in Zimbabwe
  Mugabe though has hopes of coming to America and becoming a important part of the immigrant and Democratic Party. Robert Mugabe brings decades of political leadership skill and can seriously lay claim he has more experienced running a country and involving himself in international discussion and diplomacy that are orange president. Mugabe would be the first black president and the second African-born president should he challenge and defeat president Trump in what would promise to be an intense and difficult campaign against president Trump in 2020

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