Professor Peter Guardino tries to inflate Mexican resistance and prestige in Mexican War where

Eric Ericson
  Indiana professor of misinformation and history has recently  given his research in book form covering the Mexican-American war. Guardino is another revisionist  who tries to portray Mexican patriots vigorously fighting off   Americans in anything more than mob like action following massive defeat everywhere on the battle field and Guardino's recent book "The Dead March" falls flat. This mans whole book is pushing the idea that Americans were committing massive amounts of atrocities that was committed against Mexican civilians and citizens alike.
Guardino says little of the sinister leaders of massive inequality that was Mexico and few Mexicans rallied behind this infant republic that in essence was still a colony of Spain and was ruled by a small class of exploiting elites who have always been the enemy of the Average Mexican and Indian in this country. The Mexican war was another battle and border fight between the United States and the Spanish Empire that didn't really dissipate until the Spanish -American War in 1898. Guardino's narrative of these confrontations is bias and in  material wealth and army strength Mexico actually had all the advantage of this war. Mexicans rarely resisted  occupying American troops was not as fierce this fearless fuck for Mexico may lay to claim and basically Mexico caused the war refusing to acknowledged borders and the loss of Texas but you wouldn't know if form reading this typical academic ant oi-Americanism running hold around are nations campuses.
The ineptness and empty federal government of Mexico and the power of the corrupt land and material stealing Catholic church accounted for the vast improbable quick victory of the United States winning a war with such little soldiery far form home in hostile country. Mexico and eroded and declined further form this time episode and about the best thing that could of happened to Mexico was annexation totally into the United States but the actual jingoism and racism form Mexican point of view wouldn't allow this natural state process to occur. Guardino's bias book stinks and this man has about as much talent as a historian and writer as he has to be a baller and the court jester examination of the Mexican War doesn't wish to explain the lack of Mexican ambition because there really was no Mexico aside from name only in this  time period. The lack of economy and wealth came about from the total unprepared land and state the ruling Spanish elites wished to keep all quit and put upon the masses of this land and there is really nothing else to explain why they lost the Northern part of New Spain through inept rule and neglect

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