Dr Richard Wolff goes on to blast Norwegian influence and meddling in hedge funds and American politics

Troy York
  Dr Richard Wolff brought up some important issues speaking how a small nation of Norway has reinvested its oil profits back into its own country setting up this fund that it uses its capital to invest into other countries. Dr Wolff pointed out how a small country like Norway can now use its influence in this internationalist investor crony capitalist world as Norway recently declared it will be investing in clean energy resources and will no longer be supporting old dirty oil and coal resources in other countries.
Dr Wolff wished and brilliantly pointed out though how Norway used its resources and the dirty fossil fuel burning energies to make itself rich and use its hedge fund investing capital cam to influence itself into America and other nations and this is precisely what is wrong with capitalism. Norway seeks to destroy America owned oil operations and America not tapping its own reserves sees its dirty energy reserves threatened to be useless as capitalist investors and the nation of Norway uses its tremendous inequality access to dictate future terms of energy use globally. The bamboozling of capitalism by nations of Norway that have made such money form tapping their energy issues and now use it to meddle in American politics is much more of a threat than any bullshit progressive liberal Democrat Part claim that Russians meddled into our election process. Dr Wolff blasted the institution of capitalism as it allows such massive inequality where a tiny nation like Norway can have so much money through its sovereign fund that this money issued overseas and wreaks havoc pushes its agenda towards nations without the access of such natural resources surrounding its waters. Now Norwegian influence is trying to wreck havoc on our ability to extract and sell oil and create the same wealth this unworthy weak nation has enjoyed with years of freebies  of America protection.

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