Jennifer Lawrence proud to be a bitch to her fans

Leroy Yates
   Jennifer Lawrence is a woman in Hollywood film enjoying fame and the riches that come because she likely was Harvey Weinsteined somewhere to further her career. She recently had an interview where the Hollywood scarlet went one on one with the great one Adam Sandler in an interview on-line and the hot blond star of the bomb "Mother" basically laid it out to people when she is out in public. Jennifer Lawrence wants no one to approach her and her friends and their dining table unless they are a big shot big wig Hollywood executive or producer that can further this bitches career. Jennifer Lawrence proudly boasted to Adam Sandler that she is cold as Ice wiling to sacrifice no love for her fans  and she doesn't want any fans bugging her ..Nunca.
Without her fans who would Jennifer Lawrence be if no one paid to see this blonde bimbo get laid on screen and the arrogance of this woman is typical one finds in the entitled privileged left coast tinsel town scene. Jennifer Lawrence can't stand how friendly to strangers and fans her pal Amy Schumer is and Jennifer wishes that Amy and all Hollywood people would look down upon anyone not in the industry. Of course the only reason Jennifer is friends with Amy is because they are so alike being big time celebrities and Sarah Lawrence hates it when people stop them in mid-town Manhattan while they are out walking their dogs. BTW is one comes across Jennifer or Amy out together feel free to let this woman act out her proud skills and display of being a bitch and rude to the fan base that essentially is the bread and butter for this broad and she is lucky she is not waiting tables in a
restaurant as there are thousands of more amiable women who look as good if not better that would happily take these film gigs and respect and cherish moments with followers of potential stars. With this shitty attitude, that fuck ass Adam Sandler doesn't cal out, one has to wonder why Jennifer Lawrence even got into this career to begin with but I guess being and sleeping with producer and appearing in film is much more lucrative.

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