Flavor Flav attacked in a Las Vegas casino and gets his clock rung

Earl "Bam Bam " Cunningham
   Some White dude with a  fucked name beat the gold out of eighties iconic clock wearer and former member of the famous rap group Public Enemy. The beat down of rapper Flava Flav was captured on cell camera and one can see this clown had his clock rung badly and likely Flav was intoxicated like a eighteenth century sailor. Flavor Flav says the attack was unprovoked but the man arrested stated Flavor was harassing his mother and wanted to taste some of her sixty year old fresh skin. One has to wonder though with the exclusivity TMZ quickly paid for this film if this wasn't somehow staged as the fight looked about as real as the various bachelor type reality programs that dominate the airwaves. If real it would be a great video timed film capture as Flava fave and his clock were long overdue to get their clock rung and dam bammmmm the dude hit him over and over and if that security guy wa snot there there is a good chance that time would be against Flavor Fave and he would of done some serious hospital time.
Flavor Fave is a skunk loser likely deserving of this beatingand he  often getting subsidized money to gamble form the media and music scam artists that use this chump and give him freebies and handouts much like some give bum son the street. The only difference being  instead of a dollar they give this shit thousands of greenbacks for no reason as this guy has no real talent anymore in 2018. Many will gain through Flavor Fave's humiliation and this video as it serves free advertising to his bad music,casino operators,music award shows, and the entertainment industry that pushes reality and scab celebrities to still be involved in the scenes.

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