Rex Huppke just doesn't get taxes and economy and should be selling newspaper on the street instead of writing columns

Rex Reed Jr
   Rex Huppke came on his column in the Chicago Tribune with a seething attack on tax cut plans that many libtards just can't seem to understand are necessary sometimes in favor of the rich. Rex Huppke works for a private industry and without tax breaks for the wealthy does he think he would have a newspaper journalist career instead of selling streetwise on the streets like many of the nations homeless sell this paper. Given the lack of credible or entertaining columns perhaps Rex should be selling newspapers instead of garnering a column with his partisan propaganda and Rex Huppke needs ot learn an economy better.
It is the wealthy that run operators like his Chicago Tribune and without tax breaks he says are give away  there would be no newspaper industry and we would only have bad papers like streetwise being peddled under the arms of homeless. The real attacks against tax reform and lowering of taxes is jealously of prosperity and ow some members of the upper classes uses tax breaks to build and grown their businessmen and this is the objective of the "freebies" that liberals like Rex Hupkke are so inflamed by with their obvious lack of knowledge of how an industrial Western capitalist structure works. The resistance to tax reform and breaks are usually made by people not wishing to see business or capitalism works and Rex Huppke only need to travel some several hundred miles North and take the yellow brick road to visit Detroit to see what over-taxation and not have business or a functional.
Here is another analogy  for Rex to rub his skull and is why would a business locate to an area that would rob them and take its incomes all of the time. Over-taxing business is a form of theft taking away form those who work and bring in incomes to the likes of those who take no part and push for an underground economy it is not Streetwise workers setting up business and employing people like Rex Huppke and maybe one day a small fragment of a comet will fall on this jerks head and he will realize and have an epiphany remorseful of the stupidity he brings about and waste in the pages of the Chicago Tribune. I honestly thought there would never be a dumber writer that Clarence Page until Rex Hupkke came along. Huppke is also a clown who works on WGN radio and if this media company was taxed to death a business they might not have room for him to be on the radio with his gal pal Amy Guth.
Hupkke thinks that people are entitled to dip into the incomes of business people and Middle Class workers to fund their slush free health care and tributes to doctors in getting steady work bullshitting with clients most of the time and telling them to eat a proper diet most prefer not  to follow. The whose social services demand takes more out of profit and ability of agricultural industry form lowering their prices and delivering more distribution and  less expensive health meals. Hupkke though feels any lowering of high taxes on business takes away form the average person deserving of weekly visits and free health care and other large government wasteful services that add little productivity to the nation and are mainly meant to bankrupt it by an outside class wishing to successful bring about decline to Americas industrial might as was done aggressive through politics in the American rust belt. An objective that could not have  been achieved without a complicate media and jags like Rex Huppke writing for it. Huppkee is a idiot an dit would not be wise to over-burden the job priovider sothersise there would be a glut of street wise job seekers.

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