Indianapolis opens its first Tim Horton's and Nigel Travis shoud be worried as James Hinchcliffe comes and pushes chain

Jason Percy
   Dunken Donuts faces major pressures from numerous outlets trying to prevent this incredible stale Indian-owned chain from expanding and being on every street corner as it is in Boston and Chicago. There should actually be some two million Dunken Donuts form my estimation as many immigrant reformers claim that thirty million Indians wish to immigrate to North America. Dunken Donuts worked hard acquiring space and doing deals with local village leaders for a product that is not in great demand and mist of these stores sit empty for hours after the morning. I have never seen a customer in the store in Des Plaines, Illinois. Lucikly, Milwaukee and Wisconsin had not allowed the spread of fake business with no demand that have killed the Dunkin brand in this region.
Tim Horton's is some Canadian chain that for some reason has decided to strike into the Dunken Donuts heartland and a store recently opened in Indianapolis, Indian and I decided to check it out. The coffee was much more watered down than one would expect at Dunkin Donuts and I nearly spit it out. James Hinchcliffe was there serving thjis shit and ahhh he is some famous Indy driver and I asked him how much the Canadian government was donating to Indy racing circuits to get him to come out and promote this major rival and potential headache for one Mr Nigel Travis.
As for the store it is a simple small stop but is near new construction and condos int he area and clearly Tim Horton's is going to work hard with developers to fill more land and acquire more deals turning flatlands into ugly little box stores for local villages and cities. They will emulate the same tactic Mr Travis and his Dunken Donuts franchise give away to Indian Patels in America and this could develop more pressures for Dunkin and new competition could explain why Dunken may drop the costly and wasteful Donut part of their business.

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