Vince McMahon embolden by new football leage and is considering a challenge against his buddy Trump in 2020

Neil Knight
  Vince K McMahon has always had a vision for family success and increased political power for his families name as he has funded his old bag wife into various senate and Governors races in the past thinking just having a large amount of money was a requirement and enough to buy an election. Vincent was furious at the various losses and humiliation Linda McMahon encountered in a free and Democratic process and voters rightfully saw this stupid wrestling fake entertainment family and not being deserving of even candidacy. For the mega rich just donating is not enough and Vincent K McMahon is so power hungry for shit outside the fake wrestling sport he is willing and demanding to be rewarded for starting another outlet for the sports industrial complex. Vince wishes to own all the NFL teams and rebrand them into x-rated football league and teams and he knows being president he can accomplish this and take over all ownerships assets in pro football.
Vince McMahon now wishes to be rewarded and he is seriously contemplating a run for the White House in 2020 against a man he has worked and been loyal with in the past. This attribute though doesn't exist in Vince's vocabulary and he wants so badly to use his wrestling celebrity to be leader of the free world and president. Vince would consider an appointment for vice-president if offered but Mr McMahon really thinks highly of his attributions as a leader form his ability into taking a bade East coast wrestling company and making it a mega bank player in the world of entertainment and cable success. in Vince McMahon's butter-brain elderly mind he is about as qualified and reality of being a capable leader as is the reality of  his wrestling matches

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