Ralph Nadar and David Clay Johnston are Green with jealously about Trump and Mr Nadar once agian hints at a Green Party run for the White House in 2020

Randolph Perkins IV
   Ralph Nadar had award winning author David Clay on his program and the two once again bashed president Trump as unfit and a meager man who corrupted his way into the White House. The tremendous bias reporting and vilified lies spread on Mr Nadar's podcast do injustice to his legacy and now he has become a bitter angry old man with guests like the propagandist Clay Johnstone. Nadar and Johnstone are furious of the tax cuts given to the wealthy classes and investors who provide the real jobs in society instead of the fake crummy illegal cigarette rollers and weed suppliers poverty stricken jags.

Ralph Nadar is once again considering a challenge and run for the White house under the Green Party in 2020 and Mr Johnstone was on Ralph's podcast to push a new book claiming it is even worse that it appears in speaking of the Trump presidency despite rising poll n umbers and increased power and growth of the economy. Mr. Johnstone knows full well there is economic opportunities for a clown like him to speak so ruthlessly and distort as much as he can about Mr Trump and his funny fuck face will appear more often with initiations form the likes of fake propaganda news outlets as MSNBC and CNN. Clay Johnstone is a man forced by his pecuniary nature to diss Mr Trump and dismiss all facts and knowledge so the jackass just lies and come on partisan liberal programs such as Ralph Nadar to lie and still speak of investigations of Russia's involvement in last falls election that didn't go the way he and Ralph had hoped and prayed. Ralph was so out of it he used the word serial 8 or nine times talking about Trump and called him every name in book except calling him a serial  killer haha haha. Ralph is such a funny fool.
Clay Johnstone is a fuck face nimrod who is just obsessed with Donald Trump and so shocked and awed this man was elected president and that another Clinton coronation was prevented in America. Ralph Nadar likely will get the backing of this fat fuck writer and a Nadar presidential run in 2020 will likely see him with one less percentage of the vote than the jerk got in 2000. Nadar needs to move and reture down in Mexico in the same gated community Jesse Ventura resides in and maybe the both of them can get together for cappuccino every morning and just attack America among themselves.
The shit often goes on mainstream media just fixated on president Trump ignoring the economic corruption and abuses of Democrats because he basically is a paid writer hack for the DNC. Ralph Nadar will never be elected president of the United States and he is a bitter old man disgruntled the corporatist class uses politics to gain leverage no different than inner city residents use political voting bloc power to basically demand and create a welfare blue state and sanctuary city environment in many parts of this country.

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