Bradly Austin

Jesse Jackson is suffering from Althemsizers and Parkisnon's disease as his brain likely is popcorn by now yet somehow he still manages a nationally syndicated column. He wrote in February that president's Trump's good economic fortunes and turning around this shitty economy and Mr Jackson puts praise of this great news for Obama Hussein administration even though the Kenyan Muslim has not been in office for over a year and is just more packed delivered bullshit on part of the left that Jesse Jackson is a major part.
The economy has changed under Trump's leadership and because Trump is a White Republican and not a leftist black globalist Mr Jackson doesn't wish to see president Trump get any acknowledgment for the fantastic job he has done while in the White House. Jesse Jackson won a straw vote through this blog thanks to deranged members of the left shark writers and perhaps this has given the geriatric lost brain fuck ass hope that a third run for the presidency will be victorious again and provide something more of value than just being a fake news columnist as this mans lousy columns can be found in the Chicago Sun Times and other lobster slanted publications of propaganda that has become the news print media these days. Jesse Jackson's ridiculous SJW article was filled to references to the left funded Charlottesville rally that they created to use over and over again in talk and Jesse complained of the expansion of mass incarceration and of racist police instead of the racist pathetic incarceration and wasting precious resources to warehouse people who steal,peddle drugs, rape, and kill.

Jesse Jackson is a for Democratic Party insiders who have thrown in their lot are more loyal to Londanstan,Mexico drug lords, and Canadian energy exporters who seek to make this nation weak and dependent on outside money and trade. Trump is not worried about a Jesse Jackson run in 2020 and indeed eagerly looks forward to debating the clown and making mince meat out of old Jesse as he did with Jeb and 16 other Republican candidates and the wicked witch from Park Ridge.
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