Max Keiser and his steady partner Stacy Herbert did another great program on the global corrupt economies around the world with their great Keiser Report. Max Keiser decided to start off the program and proceeded to rip the old ass of Warren Buffet's right hand man Charlie Munger a new ass as Max said this man looks uglier than blogfish and tapeworms creatures from 30000 feet in the deep seas and oceans. Max was incensed that Charlie Munger knocked bitcoin and told regulators to lay off Wells Fargo. Max Keiser said this man needs to retire into the sun in Florida or the cold in Alaska and he blasted Charlie Munger's approach to the economy asking for bail outs to big banks. Charlie Munger is older that a Sequoya tree and smells like a Sasquatch and is a total disgrace in the name of economics long needing to retire and hide his owl face.
Chalrlie looks like he has been hit with an ugly stick many times in his life Keiser said and Max demonstrated the bubble type affect men like Buffet and Munger ave on nation's economies and the disastrous outcome allowing outside foreign money in and out of nations that continues to be a distinguishing factor and evil role of capitalism
. I would like to see Max go equally after the mugger Chalice Munger and concentrate of libertarian jackasses and fellow muggers like Duke professor Michael Munger who likewise is an economic terrorist in his beleifs like a Charlie Munger

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