Alex Tsipras and Greece heading to showdown with Recep Erdogan

Alex Mousolpolous
   Recep Erdogan Tayipp represents a new kind of evil in the world today. The Turkish-Islamcist radical extremist is edging to expand his power base and new Turkish empire and Greece and the poor debt-ridden country is on his cross hairs. Greeks have been under the Turkish yoke before for hundreds of years and Alex Tspiras is worried about it returning for another few hundred more. Greece and Turkey are an inch towards war with prisoners being taken left and fucking right.
The provocation that Tayipp Erdogan  is pushing Greece toward to in the Aegean is a ploy to get Greece to strike force and then the Turks and Erdogan will get them in the rear. Erdogan will use the detention of eight commandos who infiltrated Greece in preparation for an invasion and their capture angered Erdogan like no other and he personally wants to have Alex Tsipras head on a platter, much like the Ottomons delivered a Constantine back in the day. Erdogan is delivering more money and greenbacks to the Turkish military and he wishes to add Syria and Greece once again into the Turkish fold and hinted this to the few times he met with Alex Tsipras that sent shudder down the Greek PM spine. Erdogan also had Tspiras take a picture with him behind two Turkish flags as he ordered his men to remove the Greek flag in a sign of nth efuture order and take over the Turks will once again deliver in the Balkans. The coward cowering Tspiras downplayed the last visit with Erdogan and the picture of Greek submission as he spoke of the importance of deescalating tension with the fellow NATO member and put hius support for Turkey to join the EU.

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