Reverend Jesse Jackassson demands US quit bombing Syria and allow Russian-Alewite genocide to progress and expand in Mid-East

Mitch Welch
   Syrian president Bashir El-Assad has butchered half a million people and gassed his country without a peep form famed civil warrior and columnist Jesse Jackson who still holds presidential hopes and possibility in 2020. Jesse Jackson wrote a scathing piece about president Trump's missile strikes in retaliation and Mr Jackson was so mad so sad at this strike apparently against a regime he respects. Jesse Jackson is alarmed at this mission and a hundred missile strikes as he was upset at the war that brought down the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein and in Bashir Al-Assad the Reverend Jackson sees a hero against America and Israel. Jesse Jackson is dumber than a round tooth pick.
Jesse Jackson says the constitutions and international law are violated and that we should just turn a cheek and enabling eye to the tremendous atrocities going on in Syria and by the Russian puppet bastard Bashir and Jesse says this is another attack of the power against the weak as if Bashir Assad brutality killing and gassing non-Alewites is not this as well. Jesse wishes to ignore the treaty ban against the production and manufacturing of chemical weapons and wishes to make the genocidal attacks of Bashir Assad even more powerful and forthright. Bashir Assad is a satellite commander of the renewed Russian empire by Vladimir Putin and Jesse Jackson has always been friendly to America's enemies and this explains his basic love and support for leaving Mr Assad and Putin alone and in order to expand their empowerment and power in Syria. Jesse Jackson is a jackass and has no legitimate voice on this issue and is why people routinely reject him for political office and the only leadership ability this man should ever attain to is the corrupt church that gave him any platform to begin with. I  am sure if Bashir Assad was piloting bombs and gassing African people instead of Sunni's this man would have a different opinion and would be calling for action against the bastard Bashir and Russians much like Jesse bitched for a long time about Sudan.

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