Amy Chua appears on stage with JD Vance and the two authors talk tribal politics and another potential American civil war

Eric Ericson
  Amy Chua discussed the dangers and growing divide in America and racial identity politicos as she spoke with a fellow author at a politics and prose event . Amy Chua spoke of the market dominating ethnic minorities in many lands and how this is fueling resentment across the globe from places like Venezuela to Vietnam. Amy Chu and author JD Vance spoke and took several questions in their hour long appearance and Amy Chu did admit that the United State sis headed towards a civil war if steps are not taken and producing a more equitable society between red and blue states in America.
The problem that Amy doesn't want to admit is not Russian meddling in American politics and culture but the meddling of global capitalism and natives form around the world causing an enormous disparity wealth gap and  geography divide through income distribution within this country. Chua mentioned the Vietnam war and how most of the capitalists were seeking to prop up and aid were actually ethnic and urban Chinese who dominated Vietnam and other Asian lands and treated the native non-Chinese in appalling manners I would be willing to say this is the game plan and the more these economic forces can take control and corrupt local governments that are dependent from foreign investment Ms Chua spoke of the resentment of people in rural areas feeling they are being left behind and feeling the wealthy coastal elites are selling them out and moving manufacturing jobs overseas to stick it to them culturally,geographically,politically,  and economically. Globaliziation is causing this tribal politics that Amy Chua writes about as global capitalism gives preferences to certain groups and seeks to displace people off their lands and farms in order to make progress and help make new energy and mineral discoveries for these profiteers and extractors of the planet willing to go to any lengths and destruction to keep this horrible unsustainable system surviving and dividing. Basically these capitalist and international profiteers are great at divide and conquering and creating civil wars among lands throughout the development of this system and whether another one strikes America soon or not is possible a topic for a later book by either JD or the hot Amy Chua.

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