Gene Lyons examines baseball's problems and wonders how game is still popular while ignoring subsidy from corporate companies and business people

   Oscar Orton
Gene Lyons is an old coot baseball fan worried about his beloved sport. Gene  lying Lyons  says all baseball fans should be concerned about falling ratings and lack of interest among young people. Gene Lyons wrote a boring price taking time out of his anti-Trump tireless tirades to talk about even though the players change becoming more of an international game everything else remains the same in the game he lives. Gene use to be a pitcher and could throw a pretty good screwball if you ask him. Lyons doesn't write though the problems of baseball the number one culprit of why so many people are not as interested as generations past,especially kids, is the greed of the modern athlete pricing so many of the working and middle class from attending the games.
  Baseball gets subsidized as many successful teams sell 80 percent of tickets to copiratio 's and basically you have the executive and managerial class patting each otheron back and giving each other free entertainment cities by attending ball games very few folks would of paid their own money. No where would you hear members in the media like Gene Lyons scrutinize this subsidy for low-cost baseball games for fact, I would be willing to bet all the crooked yellow teeth in China that Gene Lyons uses comps and free tickets all of the time to attend major league baseball games.
Kids use to follow the game trading cards putting them in spokes of their bikes to sound like a motor.  You don't see that because greedy players union demanded they sell packs ten bucks a pack if they want to sell their imagery and give them their expected huge cut. The corporate poker raising status and stakes in baseball is what is running the sport and real fans are priced out to make way for this crowd and the money they can use form company and bloated bureaucracy and inequitable incomes form it to price themselves into stadiums at the exclusivity of others.
Baseball was once a struggling venture where owners had to come up with odd gimmicks to draw any media attention or interest before the mighty corporation found out a way to ponzi scheme pyramid their way to riches and put this dying uninteresting sport to work in finance for themselves a diamond for their show and their advantages.

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