Nik Kovak attacks president Trump for misinformating on North Kora negotians and calls him aa racist

Clark Kramer
  Milwaukee favorite alderman/radio pirate podcaster named Nik Kovak was on the air the other day on the propaganda radio called River West radio. Kovak blasted the mainstream media for making out president Trump as a normal presidency and even mentioning the idea of a Nobel Peace prize as Mr Kovak says that Trump's position as leader and in the White House is illegal and that he is going to jail. the idiot and opioid sounding Kovak then made the same usual comparison leftist lunatics such as himself make all of the time saying that Trump is in the same category of David Duke and that a Duke administration would never had been accepted by the mass media even if Duke had won an election with the majority of people voting.

Nik Kovak said Mr Trump is not authorized to be in this meeting with Kim Jung Un as he stole the elections thanks to help form the motherland of mother Russia and that anything done by America in foreign policy will be null and void because this River West leftist urban sack of shit says so. Kovak and other liberals are furious at the success that Trump had been able to accomplish reaching out and actually having dialogue with a rogue state instead of the war . Kovak called Trump out as a racist for threatening regimes of benevolence ,such as North Korea and Iran, and called on resistance from the world and nation to unite in total opposition and Kovak will stgart with his own home base of the River West neighborhood in Milwaukee. He announced he will call a resolution to succeed River West from America at least until the trump presidency is over as he has not talk to one of his constituency who likes Mr Trump and says he will succeeded form Milwaukee as well as he says Richard Clarke is an asshole and fears the former Milwaukee sheriff will gain power against and arrest his ass.
Kovak and Canadian and Mexican liberals and their Chinese allies should fear Americas right and Korea's coming together and Kovak's brain has long been scrambled from tainted eggs of liberalism and a global hegemony of corrupt money seeking to build and prop up areas of their innovative ways to be massive rent seekers and exploiters of humanity for the benefit of a few privileged insiders and  fake investors.

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