Tyler Cowen has demonstrated what little knowledge he has of how countries are un and the massive difficulty and costly problem of ruling a large territory into a single united state as he came on some news channels and wrote in Bloomberg news in discussing North Korea and president Trump's new agreements and says both countries should look at a city as how to run a country.
The love affair of Singapore which is a total rich mans libertarian dream is often brought up by these globalist hacks at how
best a country should be run expect for the fact of one thing..it is a city. It is easy for Tyler Cowen and others to marvel at the economic success of a territory smaller than one island of Hawaii and just this nonsense shows what little credibility this silly jackass Mr Cowen should have as a thinker and writer of international policy and without a doubt one look of this fuckface and one should tell he is a rotten stinker.
Singapore is a wealthy nation (city-state) because the wealthy borh European,Islamic, and Asian prop it up and use it to serve their interests and has an example of how to ruin a county ignoring the fact that larger land masses would make running a Singaporean model impossible. Singapore is no example of how to run anything except a selective city-state closed to anyone outside the economic needs and connections needed to educate and reside in a place as this and somehow the Tyler Cowen is a leprechaun and has this utopia dream that everyone is a Harvard graduate. Professor Cowen is hack for the libertarian movement and he believe sin a highly structure society where people on top are primarily determined not by talent or ambition but ability to raise money and acquire wealth for themselves thet they can then put in use for their own personal goals and more personal achievement. Professor Cowen believes in a return to nobility and monarchy if he thinks the Singaporean model is what the rest of the planet should base their governments on and Tyler gives fake news insisting this is a transparent country free of the corruption it once contained. I would love to know who insisted he deliver this message and whether it was in dollars or yuan that he got a briefcase to repeat this lie.
Mr Cowen believes only public expenditure for infrastructure should take on a capital objective and market role and in a small place like Singapore this is easily achieved but if you have a large landmass and outside the thriving foreign influenced cities then you are out of potluck. Professor Cowen is a clown and believes in unicorns and rainbows and like a little squirmy leprechaun as he believes all the wealth of a nation and it people needs to fall in a small segment of area and society. No wonder a Bloomberg Business magazine would print this jerks writings and anyone who thinks a city-state is how to run a country obviously believes in a successful spread unequal society where wealth extraction is taken form other areas and pivoted to a certain trusted segment that thinks like this clown

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