Dumb fake news journalist and pro-terrorist Robert Inlakesh talks Israeli war and oppression with Patrick Henningsen

Luke frey
   More anti-Israeli protection of their borders and its citizens was witnessed on Patrick Henningsen's lame Sunday ire broadcast as he had this journalist and Islamic sympathizer and pro-Isis activist and writer. This Muslim wishes that Israel would just allow the Palestinians to bomb with impunity into cafes and kill and ruin Israeli property with diesel soaked kites and the scare tactic and hatred he displayed in this interview against the Jewish nation and people was appalling .Patrick Henningsen hates Jews and has these fake activists who are actually just terrorists in disguise and these nimrods forget the reason a Jewish state was created by the Zionists was that Jews got tired of living as a underclass kicked around by the scum and vermin who felt they were inferior forms of humans. Now a Patrick Henningsen can be on the air and have the scum and likes of pro-terrorists and wishful thinkers like this Inlakesh prick on his show to spread lies and demands that Israel does no retaliating to terrorism that the Jews have had to live with since Muslims over-took THEIR lands with the coming Arab expansion of Muhammad (may he rot in hell) and 632.
According to this shit head activist Robert Inklashis and Patrick Henningsen, the Jewish state is illegal and without the aid of the United states this land would be under the rule of Muslims and Jewish people should go back as fourth class citizens after Arabs,Camels,Snakes,Dogs and so forth living a life of insult and injury as it had for a millennial. Robert Inlakesh lies on Patrick's Sunday Wire three hour marathon stating  was fine between Muslims and Jews before the Zionists and colonialism found its way into this region. The jackass says nothing of why Jews needed to  create and carved out a long necessary state of their own for the Jewish people around the world to live in  peace and prosper away form the hatred they have long opposed living as a minority as there were constant pogroms against them in North Africa and the Middle East throughout their coexistence. few people who ride around with this bumper sticker realize that Islamic terrorism is not a twenty century phenomenon but started in the seventh century and had been waging it since for some 1400 years. For the fake news of Patrick Henningsen's Sunday Wire and shit guest like Robert InLakesh only the past 70 years of Israeli success matters and the state of Israeli is filled with brilliant people who will retain this dominance and position of power for Jews who fought long and shed much blood to win.
The solution to the Palestinian issue as Mr Inlakesh complains is one again for the Muslims be allowed back and outnumber Jewish people and they (Jews) would live as a protective minority class and I guess would trust a group of people that produced the Islamic State and the art of modern beheading 101. How a respected pod caster and YouTube journalist and sensations the studly Patrick Henningsen would have such a deranged spokesmen for Islamic supremacy on his program is unknown own to me.
InLakesh also compared the Palestinians as living in an open-air prison and they should be able to walk into Europe and Israel as they wish to pick olives earning a living or enjoy a life living in welfare instead of prisoners and not being able to cause terror to Jews in israel and or Europe and elsewhere. the idiot also made the comparison to the American Indian and mocked Americas founding father and so forth and compared Israel and America and this jerk just has to accept ta world where savages like the Palestinians and Comanches  hold no sway or power and their unlimited rape breeding days are way gone and need not be subsidized or accepted. The world should be Palestinians and Muslim Oyster according to this InLakesh moron and his brain has been affected by tapeworms if he thinks the Jews should trust a majority Muslim population to respect their dignity and human rights;Especially  given the actions seen by Muslims in oppressing others in modern states and how minorities are killed and mistreated elsewhere across this world.

The Palestinians and Muslims living under a strong Jewish state openly have themselves and their ancestors to blame for their current predicament and Palestinians just need to move onto other areas of the Mid East as this is not a people and nation but just a resistance effort on part of the anti-Semites of this world like Robert Inlakesh and Patrick Henningsen who just hate the fact that the Jewish Empire or nation has not taken root for the first time in a long time and for seventy years the shoe has been on the other foot in this region and hopefully the Israeli state will continue the pressure and rule in this global front and world war against Muslims that all religions--Buddhist,Christian,Hindu,Taoism, Shintos, Jews,  Zoroastrians, etc continue to unite and fight Stygian the demonic forces of Muhammad and his descendants. One must wonder if a world that Patrick Henningsen prefers to live under is the black flag of radical and evil islam.

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