Full court press against Trump by global press (part one) Old George Will attacks Trump for Helsinki meeting with Putin

Dominick D 'Souza
   According to the  lame dumb columnist hack for global order George Will, the United States sinked in Helsinki as apparently Trump must meet with foreign leaders and confront them for the fake news of Russia helping Hillary Clinton be an  old maid in retirement instead of leader (gasp) of the free world.  Many members vehemently attacking of the big established media news and television media are vehemently attacking president Trump for trying to establish ties with mother Russia because they blame Russia for defeating the globalist candidate Hillary Clinton who would of spend more on the media during her tenure as she did during the campaign. Donald trump's refusal to give this wicked and fourth estate any money during the 2016 election shocked shit head like George Will and all these other fuck media members who need the bread and butter  of this global economic  transition to flow into his department and give him an income and a living on writing bias articles . George Will is a hypocrite and likely back in the day heralded Ronald Reagan for meeting and crucial dialogue  with former Russian leaders with mark spots on their head and because the country was less raped by our allies through bad trade deals America was in a strong position to deal with The Russian Center Bear.
Years later though a resurgent Russian state, less weakened on the massive Soviet bureaucracy and land mass of ruling other hostile neighboring ethnicity and Muslims, are in a stronger postilion with a strong leader like Vladimir Putin that puts Russia first not afraid of foreign entanglements with abusive neighbors that America obviously is  has been for long time. America would be in a stronger enocnim position if it were to end subsidizing Puerto Rico,California, Hawaii,and corporate blue cities and their ties with international corruption and crony global capitalism that meddles into the affairs of our politics and squarely backs ,funds, and helps spread dissent with financial support of the corruption Democratic  party of the skyscraper coastal cites.
George Will lies mocking America first he mainstream  media and the leftist globalist thought of whom are biggest enemy is and should be and if George Will had a working brain he would see it is Canada and Mexico that are threats to our democracy and power than it would ever be Russia and a empire so far away. Russia was not an enemy of this country in 1812 or 1845 and for political EU  and Canadian hacks like George Will to try to claim Russia is the biggest threat it just shows how low and fake news Mr Will and other members of Americas press these days whose main goal is to preserve the status quo of the one percent who own most of these papers (cough Jeff cough Bezos) If Jeff Bezos told George Will to write on the threat from martians and the natives of Uranus to America no doubt this jackass George Will would pen an article tomorrow on this subject. Everything is a collusion to Will because he fears the Russia and America coming together and the extortion and expenditures of tax payer subsidizing the safety of Norway and Estonia and allowing Canadian companies to profit more form our military expenditures than American workers and companies. George Will is stupider than bottles water and the costs of making this product and he is a butter-brained  old man that conservative a\long lost respect for and his idea that we should criticize Russia for foreign policy while we have a long list of dirty Laundry in our actions around the world smacks of George Will nonsense and hypocrisy and this man needs to retire. The American business  plutocrats wish to have Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush in the White House because they know this family can be trusted to rule in their favor and how they see fit and they can eat Sushi in peace all while kissing the Chinese business people and wealthy Chinaman straight and clear in the ars.
Washington Post and Jeff Bezos hack George Will ended his recent anti-Trump article calling Trump an embarrassing wreck of a man nut much can be said about Will and him being a wreck of a dope soul working for a wreck platform and dying media that no amount of Bezos plutocratic money can save or get the trust of the America reader anymore as more see the light and propaganda that w Post and Will are in this culture. Bezos demands that news is not like George Will in his youth of eight decades ago but instead of being about the corporate bottom like and old man  river Will is more than willing to agree with these terms and preserving quality trustworthy news in newspapers these days are about as easy to find as a rubber ducky in the Amazon river.

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