David Katz goes loco at video game tournament

  Otto Jansen
   Many young males are missing in society and the problem of incessant video game addiction is leading to a massive mental despair and loneliness. For Jew Davis Katz the problem exploded as he went loco in a local cow town Jacksonville tournament. King David was a past winner of this insane EA sports video game tournament of pro American football and one could really wonder if viewing the impacts and collisions on screen in video format is as dangerous to ones head as the actual physical tackles of the gridiron kings. Something set Katz off and he decided to shoot up the place and kill some fellow gamer in this Jacksonville tournament . Katz was a crazy cat and loaded a semiautomatic weapon and shit a bunch of people including two up and coming young gamers who had a bright future in the world of playing video games for a living.

 and I wonder if he thought he wa splaying a shooting video game and had loss sense of reality given the number of games he had played din his short life and was so addicted into the video game virtual reality. The amount of money given out and the new game industry forming these zombies can only promise more mental into these sports as Katz is among other loners out there who get enjoyment out of playing fake NFL game instead of actually having talent and playing a game. These tournaments and money put out and exploiting these droids like David Katz are also part of the problem and in no way should any society ever accept these EA sports video game tournaments and encouraging more deranged youth to be video game nuts. Katz had issues and many police calls into his household through the years and obviously video games being taken away form this zombie was the culprit of many battle withen the Katz household and video game companies are clearly one hundred percent responsible for the decline of the male in the past three decades and this situation only promises to get worse with these stupid tournaments and encouragement form the video game technocrats. The tourney was held in the downtown Jacksonville landings and is another speculation of why real estate values rise as dark money flows into projects and spending for crap like this tournament that should really exist except be another vehicle to move dark dollars and laundered money around and into specific areas for the benefit of a few. 

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