John McCain is finally finally dead and out of the senate

  Ali Muhammed
   Warmongering mass bomber terrorist and economic sell out of America John McCain is dead. The great news hit America like a brick even though many new it was coming and a new dawn and era to the American political scene will take place as this long-time corrupt shit to the industrial war and migrant profit complex will no longer be serving those money masters. John McCain received praise form the mainstream media not to complex knowing full well this six term senator form Arizona served the global interests much more than the American people and for this he is a hero second to none of any current politician.
The maverick though was a shitty politician and if anything should serve as a reminder why we need term limits it is the utter incompetent run and domination and role in the senate of this geriatric son of a bitch John McCain, whom we will spare no praise and press with full hatred in our tribute. McCain gets happy praise for his commitment to bombing the shit out of the Vietnamese people as he could of avoided war and battle in the war but as a true psychopath drawn to politics he volunteered to fly dangerous missions and burn villages with the  mass genocidal bombing campaigns against farmer fighting for their country form foreign and American dollar domination John McCain was a ruthless mass killer on par with the 9/11 terrorists and in Vietnam he caused ten times the number  of killing son his run and fortunately his personal campaign of mass terror  ended when the vietkong shot his evil ass form the sky.
Much like a serial killer John McCain got a thrill flying a US jet bomber and eventually he was caught and somehow unfortunately for America he was released and allowed to return home and enter the political arena. McCain was a politician that the highest dollar could buy and this also explains his vocal support for gay marriage and mucho denireo form the global gay rights movement found its way to John McCain's political coffers through the years and only this an his need for cash funded his beliefs on homo rights . This jackass was so bad that he even allowed a Indonesian to be elected president as the country would rather have this rule than McCain anywhere near the White house and his jealously against Trump to the day he died could be explained form this desire and anger at having lost many national elections for the White House. We are really really lucky as a country that leadership never got as low to allow someone like John McCain to be president and thankfully with his death the death wish of America by the global class having a jerk like him as president will never be achieved.  A John McCain did untold damage to the Americna scene form his stubbornness and major campaign reform neds to be initiated so a fuck like him cannot stay in power and have such votes and voice for as long as this maverick fuck had in politics.There should be no tribute for the mass terrorist and sellout corrupt individual for America that a John McCain served with greed.

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