Professor Peter Phillpis comes on Gary Null's radio show to talk about cortopcracy

Bernardo Romano
  The corporate global class wishes for every government to be complicity in its wealth extraction form lands and prevention of government expenditures for the people. Professor Peter Phillips came on in Mid-August to Gary Null's amazing podcast and they talked about the corrupt media and how the global corporate class has used the  media to get is objective and more and more people are realizing the nefarious plans of this small class in taking countries to bankruptcies so they can privatize countries assets and make money for themselves.
 professor Phillips and Null proclaimed these corporatism as war mongers and profiteers and once again Null wen t on a rant about his love for Muammar Gaddafi and how he was killed because he was a great socialist progressive and not a dictator. The man crush Gary Null has for Colonel Ghadaffi and his ignorance and wish to erase the atrocities of the former Libyan mas killer is both neurotic and eccentric. According to Null and Phillips Ghaddai was a humanitarian and treated women with love,kindness, and generosity  specifically his female trained at birth bodyguards
Gary says governments have put billionaires and corporations above people and that the media is complicity in this capitalism terror of the trans nationalists putting boots on the ground and causing war where they see fit. Asian Gary Null's love and obsession with Colonel Ghadaffi is weird. it is sick and if one thinks priests can get away with raping kids clearly one with the power of the Libyan dictator who had chambers where torture rape and killings of kids was documented and obvious.
If was obvious that  Ghaddafi was a crazed dictator that didn't respect human dignity or democratic principles and the people turned on him after years of abuse and for some reason the thought and ass rape of Ghaddafi has traumatized Gary Null.  Null and Phillips though are correct about the cortopcracy business global class and they both remarked on Americas decline primarily being caused that America is no longer the center of the international business interests and in the quest for more resource  extraction and end of European colonialism working with other elites globally too precedence for capital.

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