The wine scam of Bill Foley and all his money couldn't save his son

Clifford Gifford
Patrick Foley is dead. The son and expected heir to master Bill Foley's asset and wine empire that included the Lass Vegas Knights hockey team shocked the world yesterday and the family is informing natural caused are the reason for the sons early demise at the age of 31. Patrick Foley ad a bad fucking wine and as the monopolist wine vineyard operation monopolist Mr Foley kept buy up wine companies and holding more and more money one must wonder what is really going on with this eccentric Foley family. The family dog Rufus misses Patrick already and it has only been one day and the fucking retriever can't stop yelping
Bill Foley made his money from "saving ' the government millions and millions of dollars in defense contracts negotiations with Boeing and what that really entails is beyond anyone guess. The benevolent dictator Bill Foley (who was proud of this self -tern) also was a fucking monopolist  financial swindling Insurance and hedge fund business of Fidelity and the monopoly game board man collected some eighty fund companies along with the 30 or so wineries he bought and Bill Foley was definitive playing monopoly with federal exchange central bank massive money printing operations.
I bet his son died of drugs or meth or opioids and the natural news of Patrick Foley is about as real as the Vegas City Golden Knights honestly not winning a rigged hockey championship.Bill Foley was an old shit who only made his money through the scam of merger and acquisition and more and more people need to realize this ponzi scheme and how it allows fuckheads like Mark Cuban and Bill Foley purchase sports teams as they really don't understand or have knowledge in sports. The Vegas Knights basically bought their way into the NHL and bought it fan base as William Foley organized 75 of the top business people in this scumbag city and they pretty much served as ticket brokers diverting money form other outlets and resources away form the working class in wages and instead to supplement the inaugural season of ice hockey in shit Vegas.
This was the only way the league and Vegas plutocrats knew that any sport venture could survive and basically the Vegas Knights re the sporting worlds first "fake"franchise.  Sports are expensive because these plutocratic monopolists are allowed ownership and they mold the ventures into expensive enterprises thanks to corporate subsidies.Wine is also as well a disgusting industry on par with cigarettes and should be treated as such given the diabetic health crisis this country faces and wines role in this epidemic cannot be over-estimated. I think I have six Aunts with diabetics and all of them are or were heavy wine drinkers. Poor Patrick Foley and he may have like many ancient Romans drank himself to death in a drunken stupor. Patrick Foley should of stuck or been a brew master away from the benevolent domineering of his daddy and one wonders if Junior couldn't take living and being part of Bill Foley's monopoly man empire.

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