Lavar Ball waits and stalks Michael Jordan's statue at United Center and might as well as wait by a dinosaur bones as well for it to show up

Ramon Ramos
   Lavar Ball is owner of some JBL basketball league that has 60 fans attending  and he is not worried about his fact and embarrassment. Lavar always wants the spotlight and recently he downplayed the idea nobody is interested in his start up B League claiming on Facebook and other social media that millions are downloading games and watching it on their smartphones of player nobody ever heard of nor have potential for NBA careers. This is of course fake news and any claim of downloads and fake accounts of viewership must be taken as dirt as it is and if there was such demand to watch a junior basketball league there would be more fans.
Anyone can set up a system to automatically download something and most of the views of his scrub league that is lower than the CBA is bull crap. Lavar Ball also made headline challenging Michael Jordan one on one in a game of ball and he waited some six hours by the Jordan statue one night while in Chicago to make a video and statement on their athletic and business shoe  rivalry
  Lavar Ball would have more luck in having Sue tyrannosaurs show up if he waited outside her display in the Filed Museum than having Jordan confront him by his statue and he knows this full well. Lavar Ball is a failed clown who is only going top have one son in the National Basketball League and even if Lonzo reached full potential he will be second banana to King James in Los Angeles and Lonzo is likely to ride the bench of most of his career. Lavar know this well for his brand and is shy he constantly seeks to stick his name and brand on others with his outspokenness against Michael Jordan or president Trump. Lavar has no balls or legs to stand on his own and just has a big mouth.

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