Patrick Henningsen and Robert Bridge both late night comedian hacks Jimmy Kimmel,Jimmy Fallon and Stephan Colbert a new asshole

Wally Jackson
Sunday Wire podcast sensation Patrick Henningsen tells it like it is and recently had author Robert Bridge on his program critiquing the decline of comedy and How it has declined in this era of Trump and the left obsession of politics in comedy.
Henningsen and Bridge says these pro globalist media hacks have killed comedy as Stephan Colbert and these other late night TV show hosts have tragically brought down culture and comedy becoming propagandists for Trumps economic enemies. The partisan work a Bill Maher and dopey John Oliver and Jimmy Fallon play out to serve the corporate masters fearful of the charges to the global financial domination of those pushing this new awful comedy of liberals dominance of national television.
Bridge called these sassy shots liberal  night hosts masquerading as celebrity comedians when all while actual main purpose for airing is political. Bridge and Henningsen  particular ripped John Oliver and said these vulgar attacks are old and unfunny and wondered how a brain dead shit like British citizen John Oliver is even on American TV. Both agreed that John Oliver is bad and we have always stated on this blog that the former co-hist of the podcast called the Bugle, based out of Britain that Oliver did with Andy Zaltzman, is stupider than a brick. The only thing I can say positive of Oliver Johns is that he is more easily to view and critique unlike the pieces of shit Stephan Colbert and the Jimmy boys who all three are totally difficult to watch a full monalouge  as they are that bad.
Bridge said the big three of Oliver, Kimmel,and Colbert are pure propaganda dusts constantly on the attack on Trump because they are told to work to make Trump and his appointments  look bad o  their politically bias show. The hope of the liberal lunatics is that if enough of this comedy is seen it will affect people into thinking like t  progressives and their causes which most people don't know of the globalstan and massive inequality efforts and goals of their economic monopoly upon this nation and all countries.
The American media is all owned by the global business connected left and they all dominate the TV screens are working to sway public opinion on their side and get people anti-Trump. Bridge and He nice gain wondered how far will the mainstream media comedy complex will continue to go with their prejudices against Americans and Trump as  president who promises to smash the status quo of those  in power  ow and how they use it to quell dissent and threaten.
Their global all economy  middleman trade and resource extractors of tax  payers and the common wage earners. Bridge told He no gain that those in power and the late night liars are using this strategy because they are fearful and knows eventually Trump will go after these late night comedy manipulators and hopefully imprison these fucks I  Alaska or the Yukon.

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