Space cadet libtard bias David Pakman waiting for aliens to nring about human unity

Baba Pugwuthi
   Argentine liberal history pod caster and teaching assistant at University of Massachusetts David  Pakman based out of Boston is an Israeli citizen as well and speaks with fork tongue to guests and brain damage. Pakman is a bias left wing host on YouTube  who most talks against Trump every show and he is part of the uncivil political discord that often foreigners meddling in are causing. Pakman says eventually aliens will come as the universe is so big and if a d when this occurs human it will see more unity as people will realize we have more on common than the division of Republican and Democrat.  Pakman actually is convinced among other space cadet Captain Video nimrods that there are aliens out there somewhere on Planet X, Alpha Centuri, or Uranus. He said recently on his bneurotic and eccentric Trump obsessed vlog and on-line program that until this fact is proved true through contact ther eis likttle to end mankinds
Pakmans optimistic views clearly are a reflection of the endless television programs he watches and his head likely gets confused .whether fictional space movies and programming portray reality or not. .Pakman  hopes for another alien world and civilization to exist so he can apply for citizen as well and meddle in their internal  politics and debates and expand the Show he has under his name. Pakman is a pick a d a space cadet often portraying space travel as a legitimate source for spending,research, and settlements t because Pakman's brain has seen programs of asteroids coming to destroy the  planet  and settling Mars will save ma kind

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