Andrew Urdiales is dead hopefully a trend of prisoners killed by guards

     Alex Mousolpolous
   From Andrew Kokerrieilas (sic) to John Wayne Gacy I have run across many serial killer sin my life and perhaps the wickedest was a brief time I worked with this nut Andrew Urdiales. This guy was a psychotic and hated white bitches and he always talked about this at the plant I worked with this deranged Chicago area serial killer in the nineties and today I have to fortune to say this son of a bitch is dead and was killed in his cell by guards sometime last week.
This son of a bitch was on death row in California and let go from it by corrupt and rotten Illinois liberals including then Republican governor George Ryan as were another 150 condemned hardened killers. The story is going that Mr Urdiales committed suicide but we can only hope that prison guards are getting tired of serving these maniacs grits every morning and somebody decided to end the subsidy and cost to tax payers for serial killers like this animal who killed like seven women or more and the fact that he was costing us money in health care and feed ought to outrage everyone and aguy like this is deserving of an awful death. Another California death row prisoner was killed an din this new right-wing direction and era of Trump one can hope that these prisoners time are up and they will face brutal ends much like their victims and only the complacency of liberals is what is keeping this scum alive in prisons across America.
Andrew Urdiales has joined Andrew Kokereilas in hell ( The last man executed by the state of Illinois, and we can only hope California does it again and kills brutal fellow racist hater of white women Celphos Prince and he is found dead very soon of "suicide" and he answers quickly for his crimes and evils committed that the liberal state of California didn't allow people to lynch immediately upon his convictions. Urdiales should of been executed in Illinois but again rotten son of a bitch sympathetic towards killers politicians long fought to save evil like Andrew Urdiales to remain alive

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