Scott Walker loses his corporate welfare agenda in Wisconsin and considers running for president in 2020

    Dwight Dwyer
   Voters in  Wisconsin turned on governor Scott Walker especially after the FOXCONN deal as he was willing to destroy Wisconsin rich heritage and great environment and turn it into a factory zone for Chinese interests . Scott Walker angered the public and the voters finally got rid of this horrible Governor whose attacks on workers and serving the business interests both foreign and domestic was alarming and spread resistance.
Scott Walker will not have to worry about campaigns in Wisconsin anymore as this guy is kaput and finito in local and state politics and former Governor Walker now is free from work and able to concentrate on another possible run for the White House in 2020. Scott Walker felt like he could do alot better than what resulted in 2016 and he is telling anyone he comes across this with most people laughing a this clown who offered the people of Wisconsin nothing in his years in the governors mansion except job insecurity and Chinese replacement.
Orange face Terry Guo, The owner of FOXXConn, wishes for Scott Walker to run for governor again and has promised Mr walker he will personal fund more money into whatever Scott Walker decides in the future as he has served Terry Guo and China's expansion into America really well with this FOXXCONN deal that will import millions of Chinese workers into the region as labor shortage claims will be made by this company and manufacture of LCD TV screens. The FOXXCONN deal was never about bringing American jobs but giving access to international Taiwanese and Chinese business people into the green pastures of cow country and turning more concrete and supplying more assets for Chinese orange people. For this Scott Walker lost as he threw in his allegiance to the pie faces and a company that got billions worth of subsidies form the state of Wisconsin despite it having profits in the tune of 158 billion a year.walker and Trump pretty much dug their own grave trying to get involved and play favoritism of an important environmental land base and give it to globalists from China.

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