Finally Kyle Kulinski some on Jesse Lee Peterson's show

    Clark Kramer
   After weeks of back and forth Kyle Kulinski finally appeared on Jesse Lee Peterson's talk show program and had difficulty with he questioning and style of Jesse lee Peterson. Jesse Lee Peterson asked Kyle many marriage and family questions and how he supports Democratic policies that were aimed and detrimental of this structure being preserved for the black community. Jesse also asked and couldn't get an answer form Kyle whether or not there would be so many drugs and crime in Chicago is a stable family structure had existed and not one replaced with welfare promoting single motherhood for Black women and again Kyle Kulinski couldn't answer and  sideswiped one with a direct response. Kyle is a modern day Soviet style communist and it anger him and boils his egg brain that he can't be participating in mass murde ro fhis political opponents.
Kulinski didn't t want any part of solving solutions to black problems because in reality he don't care and is a fake regressive progressive that just wants blacks ot vote against the Republicans. Kyle Kulinski also couldn't deal with religious questions and told Jesse Lee that he gets his morals and values form outside sources and culture and whether this includes the pot smokers or rap music was not known nut highly probable for Kyle Kulinski. Kyle hates religious folks and I am surprised that he actually appeared on Jesse Lee Peterson's program after weeks of bashing one another. Jesse Lee Peterson was amazing in this interview and Kyle Kulinski was his usual shit faced self and it was painfully obvious Kyle wa \s on some form of heavy drug or medication and he looked awful and more shitty in the face that Jeremy Schahill and talked senselessly like geriatric Noam Chomsky

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