Freebie receiving sports broadcaster Les Grobstein misses real death ball of old NFL and the 1984 Los angles Raider sChicago Bears match

   Dave Berkson
    Some three score and five years ago on last Sunday was the anniversary of a brutal sick game of NFL football that the purest like WLS radio's Les Grobstein misses so much. The Grobber a vocal critic of today's softer  ball of the National Football league often cruddy remarks today's NFL game is weak and he misses the days where NFL quarterbacks are nearly killed by defenders such as Marc Wilson, Jim McMahon, and David Humm experienced in this battle that resembled a war zone. Lester the vocal molester has received thousands of free tickets to watch and be paid to observe and comment on sports and this in itself is a major injustice. The Gorbber is a sick man as are those who would prefer to see a Tom Brady or Matt Ryan sidelined after week two and the NFL had to make plenty of rule changes  and noting illustrates this point more than this disgusting game 38 years ago this past week.This was one of the sickest game sever played and most violent form of football ever seen in North America and quarterbacks were gong down left and right and play like this nearly destroyed the sport and thankfully the National Football league saw the light and made drastic changes to end this Roman barbarity. However, for the pea brains who are sports loco like Les Grobstein this ruined the sport in their dinosaur minds. One wonders if the grobber was a player having to deal with the multiple broken bones and injuries instead of having his throat need some honey longezines for talking too long if this would affect and change his tune.

Les Grobtein has no problem with athletes killing themselves or getting killed by maniacal defenses of the past who back in the day main  goal of injuring people. This was pushed by maniac coaches and Grobstein is a clown who works  safely was in the stands for these games and clearly if he had an occupation of actually being on the feild  and not broadcasting the violence on the astro turf.
Les Grobstein can't even hold shit in his pants as he is reported to have shit often on the chair in the studios of WSCR and his continuing complaining of the change in the game and protecting players primary quarterbacks shows what a prick fuck he can be as anyone wanting all NFL games to resemble this debacle in November in 1984 need their head examined for a concussion as well.

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