Andrew Carter was the amazing POW in a German camp during World War II who impersonated German military officers and worked with a sabotage group based out of Stalog 13. Carter was one of five heroes under the command of Colonel Hogan in Central Germany. Andrew was lame on the sixties television program recalling their heroic efforts in fighting the German war machine when he was just portrayed as Andrew himself but things improved and comedic efforts drastically showed as actor Larry Hovis put on a fucking German uniform and portrayed crazed German officers full of rage and willing to vent their anger on their inferiors and underlings.
Carter was amazing has Genral Von Schliffenberg and as General Puttliberg and so forth. He played in one episode a German mad officer slipping into Klink's headquarters sleeping on the couch as an important informant was using his room. He whipped Klink's feet with such force that even the AI canned laughter seemed to rise to a new level and unheard loudness of the Hogans heroes fake laugh track seemed to reach unprecedented levels.This singlehandly may of been the funniest segment in the vast history of seven seasons of this amazing POW concentration camp comedy program sop beloved by the male viewer but like the Three stooges disdained by the female television audience. Larry Hovis also portrayed Adolf Hitler himself in one episode in Hogans Heroes which was totally amazing and was so realistic int was scary. No doubt in Andrew Carters second life he wished to portray and bean actual Nazi German foot soldier at least in peace time preceding the disastrous decision to wage war on the Russian Bear.
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