Aaron Rogers and his State Farm and Bose records commercials annoying as fuck

 Neil Knight
     Aaron Rogers career is on the decline and he is sucking up another season for the Green Bay Packers but the stellar quarterback is raking in the corporate bucks and helping your insurance rates to skyrocket. State Farm and Bose must raise rates whenever they increase their marketing budgets and pay a baller even more money he is deserving or worth and this is the same of television commercials as it always has been an excuse to increase inequality. Aaron Roger acting like a geek and stupid for State Farm in ads is not going to help their revenues or increase subscribers for their insurance and insurance in general is one of the biggest financial frauds to begin with but this is a whole another story and lbog post at some other time.
Aaron Rogers and celebrities and pro athletes in commercials and businessmen expenditures for them is a disinvestment of the American worker and paychecks for the American worker has stagnated we say primarily because big corporations wish to increase money towards Aaron Rogers or other mega-wealthy fucks form other industries to film commercials.Part of the problem with Rogers play and the reason he and the Packers have only been in one Super bowl is this greedy creep is thinking of his future State Farm projects instead of the X's and O's of the teams clipboard. This guy couldn't win a tic tac toe game playing by himself and he is lucky that his only God given talent t is throwing a football accurately and this help propel him to stardom and unfortunately many lame State Farm commercials. People are not going to purchase a Bose headphone because they see Aaron Rogers wear one and if anything they might lose sales form fans of opposing teams a]or just NFL fans that are not fans of this smirky over-rated son of a dog fuck ass that is not even half the quarterback or player of Brett Favre. The Bose commercial Aaron does with that little girl is just plain creepy and I cringe every time I am forced to view this shit.

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