silly Jim Cramer reporting dumb gimmick advertising on CNBC and he considers running for president in 2020

Gerald Jasper
  Perhaps no more of a little annoying weasel exist son corporate" really corporate mainstream media business love reporting that is the disaster and complete waste of cathode rays that is CNBC. Jim Cramer is a complete waste and nobody watches him and he and his appearances produce the most channel remote control clicks of any other person in the history of television. This guy is a piece of shit always has been one and always will be and why this network puts this stupid silly man and his in programming advertising on the air must be the willingness of corporations to pay for mention of this mans award-losing p a weasel he really doesn't belong on television program on the business venture of NBC . Jim Cramer is such a weasel he really doesn't belong on television and his presence on the program and airwaves of CNBC must be some sick joke of an important executive. Someone is getting a laugh of this clowns antics and it is likely not the average viewer as this guy is about as entertaining as watching strangers collect their money at an ATM.
  Jm Cramer has been pushing McDonald of all companies always talking of its stock and giving it positive praise and one must wonder if chrome dome weasel is getting paid to push this garbage junk food and no negative critique of the lard food that this corporation has pushed for generations obviously  will never be discussed on this jerks business program where he runs around like a silly jag fag hitting buttons and screens.
The guy loves the idea of legalized gambling and brothels to be televised as this man is obsessed with screens and th e more screens of gambling sports numbers the more the world looks like Wall Street trading pit where this snake oil jackass should be at all times. Jim Cramer is worried about the economy and has the need of this dream to be fulfilled and he will likely challenge president Trump in 2020 under the Business Party and he is counting on his name recognition and like the Donald that being a television star will hekp make him a legitimate candidate that will draw more donation money he can pocket and become the pro-business politician he has always wished to be instead of the joke he is now.

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