Baxter Lomax
Today we have the news to report that the punk and hick band Direct Hit has bought the famed Metal Grill bar in ahhhhh Cudahy. The punk band saved this location form being another boring Mexican or Pakistani restaurant and it will continue to hist live music and punk rock shows as venues such as this disappear in the era of globalism and money in politics as entire areas within America become old gray and brown in everything. The Metal grill will remain a music small pub venue and not a exotic tea shop importing shit form India as Billy Corgan of the smashing Pumpkins tried in vain to bring about in Cuhday, Wisconsin.
The band Direct Hit and its friends are not seeking massive profits or ways for foreigners to import products form their homeland and good old fashion rock punk will be blasting fortunately form this location and important space in Milwaukee's suburbs as more and more suburbia are hostile to anything youthful and American being allowed to operate.

Billy wanted this place to sit back and have a cup of Joe with Bombay silk tea and just jam with his friends while taking a tax break for his business as he had done in Highland Park,Illinois. Te residents of Cudhay though wanted this place to remain a blue-collar hard rocking brand it is good to see the investors and the rock star YouTube band direct Hit scoop up this place and once again it will be a bar and club producing hard sounds and not a place used to sell furniture and decoration as most corrupt restaurants serve a purpose for the international elites. This place could of been swallowed up in the massive Japanese/Indian and Korean economic domination and colonization of public space. For Billy the Kid he needs to find a place somewhere
else to serve his tea and I recommend Devon Avenue near Western in Chicago in the heart of India's colonization and sanctuary within Chicago.

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