Earl and Luis fired because sensitive snowflake black bastard felt disrespected and profiled

Wilbur Morris
   The war against workers by those  who live and often partake in motel stays at luxury high rise motels continues as a news story in Portland saw two  men get fired for asking a racial identity gay sounding black dweeb his business as he looked suspicious loitering around a lobby after a rap concert. The black man named Jermaine Massey as usual made a big deal about this didn't provide a room number or name and was so angered by his treatment he was verbally abusive and the two Double Tree Motel workers decided to call the cops to escort this trouble making bastard out of the building.
The total disregard and hate this black man likely involved in illegal drug activity or pimping displayed for Earl and the front desk guy who he clearly disdained and felt superior. The black bitch went onto Instagram and went to all the Black racist social media sights and contacted Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson over his treatment and being kicked out of his room. What exactly this mans occupation and what he was doing in a luxury motel of course was not verified or reported by the mainstream television and left internet media that made a cause for this case and rushed to the defense of this sketchy black baby.
Jermaine Massey would not have had the cops called if he presented himself with a better attitude when asked a simple question of whether he was a guest or not as he was sitting for a long period of time in the hotel lobby late at night and for all Earl and the front desk worker may as well knew Jermaine may have been off the street and another black rapist looking to follow a young woman into her hotel room for an attack. What blacks are attempting to do is make it easier to commit fraud and crimes throughout America when people like Luis and Earl do their jobs as security and look out for the welfare and safety of the guests at the Double Tree. The Double Tree motel needs to be boycotted and pressured to re hire these men as their firing was clearly indefensible and unjustified and the company played to the fear factors and pressure form outside racial obsessed forces that want no surveillance or policing of black individuals. The real issue  here is the hatred for workers and the attack on workers this case implies as basically it was Jermaine and his talk and actions that caused him getting kicked out of the motel hiding and talking on the phone in an empty lobby late at night instead of being in his room and these two men were another employee victims for over zealous blacks looking for the boogeyman of racism any and everywhere they can in society. Double Tree like most large luxury motels have a responsibility to protect its guests and their safety and this sometimes means people loitering around suspiciously in a lobby on their phone should be axed a question and the real racism is brought about by the likes of Jermaine Massey trying to stop Double Tree employees form conducting this crucial aspect of running this business especially given the number rof people murdered and attacked in motels throughout this nation.