Gerald Celente trends migration and oil prices and our list of fifty new migration countries

     Troy York
   Gerald Celente  is an award winning YouTube personality often talking about trends and he is wondering why oil prices are down and calls bitcoin a scam which most coins will go out of business. Gerald Celente often appears on his trends journal drunk as a skunk with a bar behind him and often he drinks martinis as he talks about current events and what he sees is the eventual forecasting down the line and e and we long suggested that some other countries should be formed and be primarily based for migrants globally to settle and move about freely escaping their own countries of terror.
Gerald Celente often says these funded migration patterns will only be fueled by those seeking to manipulate labor and people into props and we created a list of fifty places and destinations that could be made into modern separate states with a purpose in their constitutions to always help resettle people globally displaced by war or gang terror as seen in Central America. So ion the spirit of Gerald Celetne and his constant talk and forecasting of the explosion of migrants form around the world looking for new home being displaced by the scourge of climate change

1-6  The Central American states themselves. Their governments need to be overthrown and all the countries should be open to migrants form all over the world and not just America

7 8 9 New Brunswick ...Nova Scotia, and New Newfoundland
Thee Canadian provinces could be separated and be declared three new sovereign state open for immigration and newcomers  especially given the liberal vocal attitude of Canadians. They even can have it open for pot smoking.

10  11   12    Latvia,Estonia,Lithuania
  Likewise these three worthless Baltic nations offer the international world nothing and if declared open borders migration states they would offer the world so much.
  13 14   Iceland  ...Greenland   Can we say any more and this massive landmass along with Greenland should help resettle these poor Rohingya and Guatemalans and it can teach these people something new like liking in colder climates

15   Greece    At the crossroads of the world Greece is always in economic turmoil so what would be a few hundred more thousand people form displaced homes around the world can come to the cradle of Western civilization and learn the classics.

16 Falkland Islands
    This island nation formed from separating it from Argentina would end a eternal conflict between Britain and Argentina and become a beacon of hope for people around the world seeking a new life.

17   New Somali land    This newest nation has Somalians but needs more diversity and can be the African Mid east destination for those migrants needing a new home and desire to work to build something from scratch.

18   19
Puerto Rico and Cuba.   Perhaps no other people aside from Filipinos best describes eternal migrants as Puerto Rico and along wioth Cuba would make a great warm island state for human smugglers and migrants.

20   Yukon 
   This little settled Canadian province would be a great destination and could use more people and there would be few objections form the locals

21  Alaska  This little settled American province would be a great destination and could use more   people and there would be few objections form the locals

22   Tibet   should be free but in the meantime China could contribute to the human migrant cause and donate this mountainland. This little settled Chinese  province would be a great destination and could use more people and there would be few objections form the locals

23  Mongolia   Again a nation that could use more people and this stan has plenty of land and opportunities for those fleeing their homelands because of a lack of work. The Mongolians would make them work hard/

24   Bolivia   This country has done little and had a tiny impact on the World Stage and thus is a deserving
place for supposed human migrants in search of something new.

25  LondonStan.   This city-state has so much wealth and experience in displacing natives and is always on the world stage with its dominance in the financial world. Clearly they could use and abuse some helpless migrants form Central America or Central Asia.

26   Cyprus   A united Cyprus is at the cross roads of Asia and Europe and like Greece could use an influx of new peoples a this land as been settled by fake Greeks for way too long.

27  Cairostan   This global city-state van be created and be a urban destination for global migrants form the Islamic world who prefer to live in a place that is not tolerant or religiously diverse. It will be reserved primarily for Sunni migrants or refugees.

28    Hawaii     Perhaps the ultimate hope and popular destination as all migrants would pick these islands. A lottery system clearly would be made for refugees wishing to move here. The Hawaiian islands should be international territory anyway as its seizure by the Americans were illegal

29  Taiwan  Another conomically booming   that should be international and perpetual state to serve global migrants and most likely this would be a great place for Asian boat migrants

30  Hong Kong
Ditto  (see 29)

31  Singapore

Ditto (see 29)

32  South Vietnam
   This former war-torn nation again be recreated and serve the interests of Asia's growing migrant and refugee problem and serve as a homeland for all and not just the Vietnamese and Chinese capitalists.

33  Venezuela   A proper place for migrants to have a positive impact in an area that often has negativity

34 Yorkland (formerly Toronto)  This city-state is a destination for the wealthy refugees fleeing tyranny of their poverty near New York immigrant city stricken citizens green in jealousy. This new state can be one of our fifty migratn states.

35  New Manhattan
  Another city-state for wealth exclusivity that has more than enough money to bring in and help refugees and be a major destination. The statue of liberty after all in near by.

36   Long Island   Again being near New York immigrant city this place can and should take in more migrants and the worlds needy as one of the fifty states for migrants of the globe

37    Baja California   The Southern part of Mexico should be reserved and taken out of Mexico and Mexicans themselves are perhaps the worlds most aggressive and greedy migrants clueless and ignorant on borders or assimilation. They rightfully should give up Baja California.

38   While were at it the whole state and left coast of California should be given to the United Migrant states of the World.

39  Oregon Country   Combining the states of Oregon, British Colombia and Washington can be another American state carved out and given its independence with a constitution of always being open and serving global migrants and refugees.

40  Scotland    This country has done its art in helping the British empire be a major component of worlds affairs. it would be a natural partner and global migrant state

41  Slovakia   This Central European country basically would be a good central global location.

42   Seattle   This libtard coastal community in America should be given to the global migration statehood plans and open themselves up to millions of Somalians and Syrians and see what they do to their culture/

43   East Prussia

  This little German or Polish swarth of land caused so much trouble and tension prior to World War II and should just be given for land and a haven for the worlds migration crisis.

44 45 46
  Israel, Palestinian, and Jordan
The tensions and destruction of these lands in perpetual turmoil and hatred could be erased and a three state solution for global migrants can be established and the Palestinians will have a place to go.

  The Philippines

These people have long been a global migratory economic dysfunctional people so why not just give all 8000 islands

48   Gulf Kingdoms

  All the United Arab Eremites and Qatar-type new gulf states/cities should allow citizenship and be open to all migrants seeking to leave repressive and evil environments as they are constantly building and enlarging these countries with the tremendous wealth and oil of these kingdoms. They likely can be a refuge for primarily Muslim migrants.

49   Madagascar
   The island is so large in reality one can put all the worlds refugees in this location until situation back in their home countries become stable.

50   Central Korea
   Just  take a huge land from th etwpo Koreas and the DMZ zone can be re branded and refurbished as a welcoming warm spot if foreign aid and a home area and one of the fifty Global migratory states set up for the continuing problem of human economic and conflict. Nothing can go wrong with three Koreas and if there is any place in the world needing of ethnic diversity it is this place

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