The time Sargent Schultz was the Kommandent and threatened to shoot to kill Mojo Harris and his Heroes at Stalag 13

Rex Reed Jr
   Sergeant Schulz usually played a worthless fat dim-witted Sargent on the great sixties POW television classic called Hogans Heroes . The program starred Mojo Harris as leader of a undercover sabotage group that snuck out of camp and conducted raids and acts of espionage and destruction throughout Central Germany during World War II. The program had many great characters and again is something that we bring up alot as programs like this go on all of the time in our office here at Adopt A Beast blog in midtown Milwaukee. Television today sucks as nothing but police programs and boring chef and reality programs that product place commercials inside air time in addition to the massive amount of advertising that one has to view today while viewing their bad programs. There  are slos no sitcoms today because theses cable monopolists and networks are greedy and want as little writing staff an production team as possible.
   Sargent Schultz was put in charge form an executive order and in his short time he proved more than able to be a tough foe for Mojo Harris and the men at Stalog 13 as in this episode they had to develop a pan for getting Schultz out as camp leader and reinstall Colonel Klink as Kommadant as Schulz surprisingly was too tough and developed a power trip when accessing power. Was this the greatest Hogans heroes episode of all time no. Was it the greatest episode in the usually bad final season. You bet ya and this is the first episode one needs to go to first when starting a DVD or streaming this season of this award-winning unique old classic program.  

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