Jacoby Genevese

Thorne Dreyer felt like the dummy he is as Jim Hightower made another award-winning appearance on his program and informed him Beta O'Rourke is retired. Beto is not an Alpha male and is the sweet dreams of Democrats wishing for the new presidential rockstar and someone with more life than Bernie Sanders. Jim Hightower talked the mid-term elections with geriatric bastard host of Rag Radio Thorne Dreyer. Hightower is crazier than a crab with two legs and his butter brain has been smashed for decades and fried like chicken for decades. He spoke of the tremendous gains in Texas in returning the state from red to blue and how much progress black.brown, and queer folks have made in politics and Hightower is very optimistic a return to the Clinton era is very well possible. Jim wants more spending on education and health care in order top help the technocrats and their business that have meshed technology and health care together and empowering health and technology sectors only promises to bring more donations to the political party that a Hightower gets high and wish to see succeed more.
This cowboy clown also lies saying America is not a centralist Bear country and is afar-left one on the verse socialism and clearly this jackrabbit is talking about the people he hangs and speaks with ignoring the rest of the people who don't support his vision of economics and redistribution of money towards those unwilling to work hard and seek handouts.
Jim Hightower also spoke of voter suppression which means that when Democrats lose they must of been the victims of Republican regulation of the vote of blacks and browns as if somehow people mass voting by bloc and by skin color is not voter suppression for those who think and annalize their vote for the best candidate they think should be elected. Beto O'Rourke and Jim Hightower ar ein talks for a possible run together as third party candidates if a progressive socialist is not represented on top of the Democratic ticket and an O'Rourke-Hightower team will run under the New Texas third party.
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