Professor David Pakman faces the fire of feminazi Amy Siskind

    Bert Berg
    Progressive left-wing podcast and professor of globalism and propaganda 101 at Boston college David Pakman was almost fired as he tweeted some disrespect to a tweet form some feminazi activist named Amy Siskind. This is a bitch and a dumbass whore and a half and Ms Siskind is stupider than a fafelal place serving a pile of camel shit in a pita.
Amy was not kind to fellow progressive David Pakman who criticized her comments that she should never vote for a candidate white and a male and she called Boston University to try to get our favorite Argentine-Israeli fired form his day job as an adjunct faculty member working for free. Pakman was shocked that this woman put out such a racist and sexiest tweet and he called this femibitch out on this on twitter and then heard later on she had contacted the university community college he works some time in the summer making a little extra jingle. Amy Siskind is not kind and is not kind and is a deranged left-wing coastal snob and a nut and she should be taken to task for her comments and fired for her words instead of her attacking poor professor Pakman. The enemy of America is these coastal crazed whacked progressives like tis woman who should be deported and given a one way ticket and a burka to go to bannaland Afghanistan. Luckily David Pakman and the university stood by the principles of free speech ando pinion and Pakman had every right to call out this bitch on twitter and humiliate her through disagreement.

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