Lebron James goes full Nazi and bashes Jew money

Woody Underwood
   King Lebron James as we have always stated owns his freedom to sport and the dude who invested Peach basketball ball many many many moons ago with a wicket basket and a ball that barely bounced. Leborn James wold be in prison most likely without the riches and money thrown to him and his sport by the banking class and King James had the nerve to criticize and mock the hands that feed him in a recent Instagram post.
Perhaps some sense got into the head of BronLe and he realizes the money het gets for thinking of moves to put a ball in a hoop is not the same as being paid to be a scientist to offer the world improvement and hope. Jamey made some reference to collecting the Jew money and in saying so he basically spoke with straight tongue and not a forked one many bullshit artists like he most times are as a fake athlete activist. massive money printing by the fed and it being directed to already wealthy men and their assets is preciously why a Lebron is paid a kings ransom and it is not form ticket sales,uniform sales,shoe deals, etc etc. It is because of the Jewish domination of banks and central and federal money printing reserve systems and their presses to pay a jackass like this ghetto black hillbilly to be paid millions for playing ball. What Lebron posted on Instagram is nothing new and what every NBA athlete knows full well and why they ask for more and more money.

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