Paul Joseph watson can't beleiv the Stockholm syndrome and suicide of female European hikers traveling to Morrocco

Andy Cruz
   Nine brutal rural backwards Muslim scum killed to blonde foolish hitchhikers who decided to spend a vacation in the barbaric Atlas mountains of sunny Morocco. YouTube star Paul Joseph Watson made a video of these two young Scandinavian female leftists being the latest casualty and dearth by foreigner sin their foreign escapades into shit holes as these people seek thrills and ultimately death as Watson lied ten other  cases of women like these two Scandinavian nuts who speak of love of diversity but then going to places not so and being killed.
Whether it is in the Middle East or Caribbean scores of White females proud of their socialist unity and diversity background. It is harder to feel sorry for women like
 as Western women like this add to the nonsense and brainwashing of acceptance and push this idea to get people who look like them to get killed ignoring the dangers of being around brown and black people. the fact that young women in the west and nations like Norway and Sweden have so much wealth to be able to travel freely is the result of a global cortopcracy as it use to be men in the West who joined the foreign legions of the British navy and made their presence known. Now these blonde dummies with Stockholm syndrome make it so much easier for the ISIS scum of the planet of the apes to kill with ease and attack the West. Paul Joseph Watson is a Alex Jones lackey and made a video disturbed how dumb these Northern Europeans are to vacation in this country and region filled with demons living a barbaric 7th century lifestyle and intent on enforcing the worlds other inhabitants to return to these ways upon death if necessary to get them to conform to the goals of ISIS. Norway is responsible for the deaths of two of their citizens allowing them to travel into shithole Islamic lands filled with men such as these 29 terrorists thus arrested in the kingdom of Muhammad IV.

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