Sephan Petranek sure we will be living in Mars City by 2025

    Clark Kramer
  Ted talk is mainly fake news and recently Stephan Petranek spike and said humans will be living on Mars and enjoying the Antarctica conditions of a Martian summer. Stephan Petranek basically did a commercial virtue for  Elon Musk and spoke how the great one will lead a successful manned mission to Mars and be the first blue wave of establishing blue cities and Democratically controlled big government bases on  mars. Stephan Petranek spoke what is needed to survive on mars and spoke how private companies are working on solutions and profiting from making items that could be used on mars but making their money on Earth. The amount of fake story lines by this nerd scientist was embarrassing as someone as smart as this man thinks of himself speaking nonsense jigaboo jigaloo is typical of the crap that are Ted talks and even the cameras scanning onto the crowd of people observing this speech seemed to take it with a grain of Martian salt.
 Someone needs to tell this old nerd and geek humans likely will set foot on Mars as soon as birds starting giving birth to mice. Stephan Petranek is stupider than giving a girl spiders for Valentines day. This planet is so far and conditions so in hospitable one would think a jackass like him would realize the impossible goals and suicide missions manned pilots would be risking themselves to travel to Mars and Uranus so fucker s like Petranek can feel good about themselves. This guy is a science fiction libtard like no other and speaks with fork tongue because he is paid well for lieing about capabilities of Martian colonies by 2035 that will only exist in the dead heads and busted brain cells of the space cadets and captain commando wannabees needing to tell a good wise story.

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