Josiie Smollet got his queer ass handed to him as giving an evil eye or refusing to tip a homeless bum might be the cause. Whatever the case Jossie says he was beat up and because he was beaten and scratched he must be believed. Now we have to decide who was it that delivered a massive beating to this acting sensation of the big hit television black show called" Empire" and we have a clear suspect in mind. Since Jossie was claiming he was leaving a Subway sandwich we believe either Jared the former spokesman pedophile or Julal the clerk delivered a massive beat down on this poor defenseless homosexual actor in Chicago.
Julul is great clerk but like a snapping turtle he will snap back as sassy gay shits like Jossie Smollet. We believe that Julul may have followed Jossie home and julled his face and ass somehow after an encounter and that the wealthy Jossie refused to tip this amazing sandwich maker that Chicagoan are willing to take the subway and or drive form various neighborhoods to visit ahh this particular Subway. Julul was the last person to speak and serve Jossie before he got his fake attack upon him and thus is a suspect.
The other suspect id former pitchman for Subway sandwiches Jared the pedophile who resigned in shame and was arrested Jared likely is mad that Jossie Smollett is living the highlife and luxury status that Jared once enjoyed with hsi fake news and lies of losing so much weight eating shitty bread and cheap meats form this disgusting franchise and suburban and urban land grabbers and debt grabbing business of international occupiers. Jared definitely a suspect given his declasse position in life.
The third suspect in outlaw Green alien named Jepar. Police are so baffled by Jossie Smollett's attack and how there is no one in any nearby surveillance videos it is like a spirit or Ghost came out of no where. However, we beleive well known space alien Jepar beemed himself down and delivered a knock out to Smollett and wanted to tag the fucker before beaming himself back to the mother ship. Jepar is one bad mother fucker and hates the subliminal references he sees in Empire to the Zozulphia people
A fourth suspect in re known feral dog Joggy, a dog bad to the bone named after it s habit of nipping joggers and one so sneaky he can pretty much about move throughout the night avoiding police and Coyotes. Joggy may of bite and fucked up Jossie Smollet in a attack so fast the piece of shit didn't know what hit him and the gay black shit head convinced himself through his manager to blame it on white homophobic racists and followers of Donald Trump with MAGA hats. The chances though are a stray dog would attack this gay clown much more before a avid Donald Trump follower and supporter would go into a difficult to find parking downtown and stalk and wait in arctic cold to beat this black gay actor few people even knew existed and was of any more importance or than the thousands of other impotent black gays in Chicago or any other large city. The bad ass pit bull may even have smelled the meat and Subway Sandwich and decided to take iot form this sissy squirrel known as Jossie Smollet and taking a sandwich from this black jack ass was easier than Jizzy taking a female Chihuahuas bitches virginity.
The fifth suspect and final one is Jippo the clown of old screen Betty Boop fame and now artificial intelligence from an old cartoon clown of the thirties who is able to make way artificially in a magnetic and polar cortex motion of cloud and gas and on this polar vortex day this cartoon clown made an appearance in the windy city coming from the North in Yukon territory. Make no mistake this attack occurred in a bizarre unnatural weather and we have always stated that bad weather is produced by supernatural forces that may or may not be using computers sand artificial intelligence to connect and communicate with one another and creating oddball appearances and virtual reality.
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