Rural Wisconsin abduction and escape of Jayme Cross again highlights maniac nature of this state

Casey Kelso
   The rural areas of Wisconsin are infamous for numerous attacks on women and sensational crimes through the years, From Steven Avery to Ed Gein to the mystery of the lost babysitter, to the Halloween killer and many others as  this state is cursed with mad men and sick bastards and a recent abduction of Jamie Cross by Jake Patterson adds to this local Wisconsin lore and tragedy.
A sick balding twenty one year old male named Jake had appreciably seen a thirteen year old girl get off the school bus and followed her home and immediate made plans of grabbing here and stalking her to his cabin where his family lived some miles away. The evil fuck killed this girls parents with a  shotgun and abducted Jaime Cross and for some two months she went missing and authorities and the press thought the worse. Few thought this girl would ever be seen but apparently God or Buddha was with her in spirit and life saving for a couple of months of terror this girl must of experienced and hopefully will forget in time spent with this ugly monster. There really needs to be an electronic device or some technological breakthrough that allows traumatized people to have memories erased and maybe that will be coming for people someday.
I knew that it was another sick rural Wisconsinite fearless of the local  barney rubble type authorities being able to apprehend him and he could count of his sick family members being inept and busy with dairy cows to actually stand in his way for his teen bride.
One must wonder if the psychos at Netflix will run a series claiming this man is innocent of his crimes as the sick network does with Steve Avery case and perhaps Netflix will do a series of ahhhh series son the innocence of rural backwater Wisconsin men who commit abuse and serious disturbing crimes against young women.Netflix is a dirty media compnay of deciet and lies where they over-flat their ratings and desires to be a major channel to pauy actors and actresses top dollar for bad written material and programs that many have criticized beign on awful and cheap script needing better writers and so forth and people who spend a dime watching this"entertainment" need their head examined and don't know what quality programming is,

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