Financial adviser and Stupid Susan Kim tells millennials to stay at home and invest for another five years.

Tony Miselli
Money Speak
   Stupid Susan Kim is a financial swindler and so-called adviser who is mentioned in Forbes Magazine and the Wall Street Journal as these publications worship the psychotic advising classes. Kim is a founding member and co-founder of Hopkins and Associates and in her years of giving financial advise her main advice for young people is to live at home for ten years and invest through her company. Susan Kim says a lot of young people think it is uncool and not hip to live at home and scrounge off their families but for greedy cunts like this Korean nut this is sound financial advice that she lies in saying it will make them millionaires by the time they are sixty and finally out of their
house and independent. The lunacy of this woman's housing advice makes her incompetent and because she is a foreigner and probably a hot poon tang at eighteen is what made this whack job a financial advice to begin with and if anything people need to get the fuck of their house and learn some Independence . I wound't take a foot massage form this woman reading such ludicrous advice she suggests for young people making  fifty grand and why should anyone sacrifice their independence for so long just to give the likes of Stupid Kim and her partners and firm more money to dwell out and use as leverage. Only a moron would agree to this principle set forth by this lunatic adviser and stay at home and do the dishes for fifty year old parents still stuck in the eighties. This advice could only be dished out by a foreigner and a Koran like this woman.

Why the fuck wants to live in a authoritarian geezard household and not be the head of the household just for some more easy investment opportunities that may or not be increased regardless what this yellow woman says through Ameriprise Financial. Kim is a dumb Korean whore that tells her clients to stay at home with mommy and daddy instead of living on ones own and starting a family of their own investing 50% of their money into her Sun Yeong Moon type financial cult at Ameriprise. Amazing. Stay at home and take out the garbage and do the dishes for your parents whose brain becomes more butter with age. I think Susan Kim and her brain are becoming Scrambled eggs if she thinks this is sound advice for anyone and the financial hardships and strain of a lack of independence is not worth the bullshit claims of this duck face.
Stupid Susan says young adults need to perpetuate childhood and live under others rules until they are forty I guess and this woman is unfit and too stupid to be a legitimate financial adviser  and her being Asian one  has to wonder if she or her family bought her job for her for someone to give such shitty living and housing decision choices and the subvention this woman is able to get from this idea is laughable.

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