Are pictures of a Left Shark sufforcating on a Sea turtle fake?

Aaron Luther
Animal stories
    A massive Great White Shark was killed by a Sea Turtle if one is left to believe a left shark would allow itself to suffocate its jaws while patrolling the Seas like Jaws. Pictures of news was delivered of a massive 20 ton Great White Shark that had a turtle Pie stuffed into its Jaws and according to these artists the Left shark died at the hands of the Turtle as the Turtle became stuck in the massive jaws of this most feared and biggest predator of the ocean. The Left Shark with a turtle in its ass all the way to its ars are obviously fake and in no way would a hard shell Turtle taco ever be devoured or even have aLeft sharks Jaws open up to swallow and this is some media made prop fish tale.
   This large sharlk likley died form having garbage float into its mouth and was unable to smell and see what it was than actually trying to eat a Sea Turtle as Left sharks do not eat these reptiles. This likely was some prop and fishermen killing a shark and then making the claim it picked up a dead shark to skip over investigation of their illegal hunting of the oceans biggest predator and they likely shoved a fucking dead turtle to cover up their hunt and took a snap.

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