Troy York
Chris Hedges quite literally is an award-winning journalist and is on a morale and economic crusade lately against big casino. Like Big Tobacco the casino industry drives in addiction and ruining peoples lives and health and Hedges has recently point out the increased likelihood of suicidal action and thought to people who heavily attend the more than five hundred casinos that international developers and globalists helped change and bring about into America when there were only two places with casinos in 1980. In 2016 Americans lost 116 billion in casinos and basically international globalist casinos operate as a form of wealth redistribution center where the working and Middle classes struggle with these addictions set up by these casino operatives and money flows and trickles towards the stop and Mr Hedges is informing his loyal reader s a major
campaign needs massive amount of government involvement to fight back against this casino taxation against people in the forms of the billionaire class against the average person unable to fight back against their opiate pharmacological effects on the brain. It has gotten so bad that political operatives for the one percent and politicians try to push for more casinos to own and operate such as the jag fag Rahm Emanuel the thankfully outgoing prick mayor of the shit thole of Chicago. Hedges dwells in-depth how these dastardly casinos collect peoples data and how it is used to gain control and get people more hooked on these palaces of money deception and theft and he wonders why more is not done by government to protect its citizens instead of allowing already wealthy moguls of industry to snooker and bamboozle people out of their money.
Chris Hedges came on Lee Camp's award winning RT Russian television show and talked about how the setting of casinos with cigar smoke and the bells and whistles is addicting to the minds of bored old people too old to hang out and drink at clubs. Hedges makes the comparison of a government funded effort to control the opioid struggle and demanded one needs to be created to stand up against the casinofication and destruction of peoples Middle Class status as many are unable or unwilling to resist losing their minds and money into the matter closet of casinos where nothing else matters except money and ease of lose of it is pretty much grand theft allowances of the one percent owners of these infrastructures. I wish Hedges would also dwell into these television poker tournaments and who funds them and why are these boring matches of poker aired on TV as they are so boring even the players at the table have trouble staying awake and again these programs are meant to attract the addictive money-losers into thinking big and ways to get over to one of these private-held casinos and open up new losses and massive debt and financial troubles for themselves where American generations ago didn't have such opportunities and free access because governments did a better job protecting against these vultures of addiction causation and gambling
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